My life [via my life]
1. I own a goat. Best thing I bought online all year. Grab poverty by the horns and buy one, too. What I would spend on two months worth of coffee at Starbucks will now feed milk to a family of three.
2. I’m going on a kinda-sorta-detox for two weeks. No caffeine. Gasp. I know. No added sugar. Gasp. I know. No alcohol. Gasp. I KNOW. No, I’m not a loser, I just like killing myself slowly. Let’s do this.
3. I’ll still consume waffles. Because of reasons one, two, and three.
4. I’m in a work-out rut. I don’t want to do anything. Seriously… This is beyond me. I need divine intervention.
5. Halloween is going to be very difficult this year. See #2. And also see these.
6. And we’re all stupid compared to the rest of the world.
Have a good weekend.
Tagged: blogging, life, lifestyle