Katie v. Life
1. This semester’s harsh and totally unrealistic work load has caused me to get sick not once, not twice, but three times since January. Bad reality.
Life-1, Katie-0.
2. I made the best stinkin’ pot of ratatouille this week and got free bagels in class.
Life-0, Katie-1.
3. I just made the most important realization of my life. When I get stressed, I get sick. Like super sick. Literally sick. See #1.
Life-1, Katie-0.
4. I went to see Citizen Cope’s live acoustic performance. Damn straight. Totally legit.
Life-0, Katie 1.
4. Next week is midterms, baby. Here’s what’s to follow: test monday, research paper tuesday, two one test and one debate presentation wednesday, two tests thursday, sleep friday. cruise saturday. Life-1,Katie-0.
5. Did you see that last one?
Life-0, Katie-1.
6. I’m in Philadelphia for the weekend visting my sister and her boyfriend (who is also visiting). You may ask, “why is your judgment totally impaired? Why are you going there? Shouldn’t you be at home, locked in the library and studying all weekend?!” While I do appreciate your honesty, I’ve realized that school has been winning in my battle of balance this semester. I needed a complete detox. Even if it is just until Sunday.
Life-0, Katie-1.
I win. I’m going to get some ice cream.
Life-0, Katie-1.
Tagged: blogging, health, life, love, ramblings, recipes, sweet nothings