iPhone life lately
[follow along on instagram if you'd like]
pre-spring break:
a few staples. juices. fruits. chobani. coco crisps.
is that snow or spring buds?
one week. five exams. 4 hours of sleep. and the reason i haven’t worked out, showered, or blogged in two weeks.
let’s go halfsies.
spring temptations.
twinning with ojay.
i like green and sunny things. even in 40 degree weather.
caramel macchiato. ’nuff said.
just stopped by philadelphia for a little tea time.
spring break:
chocolate mousse.
and lime sherbet.
annnnnd chocolate molten lava cake. yup, that happened.
spring break wrapped up in one phrase.
second paradise. with bahama mamas. and pineapple coladas. annnnnnd ski shots.
happy camper. and wearing turquoise.
calories. tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a bit tighter every night.
this week has been full of [drinking] exercises. and workouts. minus the latter. plus the additional calories and vitamin d.
Tagged: blogging, dessert, food, life, lifestyle, love, ramblings, sweet nothings