[follow on Instagram for more pictures of bubbles and chocolate]
1. I used to think it was totally weird when I would see people with their phones out, pointing them at random things. Now it’s become totally normal for people to stop dead in their tracks and snap shots of the simplest things just so they can post them to Instagram. It’s like every time you see someone with their phone out they are either snap-chatting dirty pictures of themselves or deciding which filter to use. Sadly, I’ve totally become totally one of these people. Someone take my iPhone away from me. Now. #nofilter.
2. One for me, one for you. They both should have been for you because I “gave up” sweets for lent. But I had to… I didn’t have a choice. No really, it was just this one time. Oh, and the other time when the day after lent began I habitually bought a pint of ice cream and a box of ice cream sandwiches at the grocery store.
3. Things I’m blushing over.
4. It’s never too late to write down some goals. Others on the list include: 1. Get a job. 2. Hike part of the Appalachian Trail. 3. Fast for 1 day each month. 4. Bake croissants. I have a total a fear of pastry-baking-making but I also have a total obsession with fat and carbs.
5. Peanut butter and banana with chocolate. Healthy college dinner with all the necessary food groups. I’ve been living off this sandwich for the past two weeks because I’ve basically moved in to the library and don’t have time to be a grown up anymore.
4. Remember Valentine’s Day? Okay, so maybe Ryan Gosling didn’t send me this flower, but the rose I did receive is still alive.
5. Bubble baths. I totally did this for the first time in about five years and now I’ve become obsessed. I want to soak in a warm, soapy bubble bath every single day, listening to smooth jazz and drinking red wine. I am such an old lady.
6. It was 60 degrees here in North Carolina a few days ago. Then it got colder. And windy. And then it sleeted. My body can’t handle this bipolar weather. Neither can my wardrobe choices. Heavy coats and jean shorts just don’t work.
Tagged: blogging, food, life, lifestyle, love, ramblings, sweet nothings