it came and it went. i assume you all had lovely holidays consumed by drunk family members and noisy conversations. just kidding. but really, i’m not.
i’m sure you ate turkey and butter with mashed potatoes. wait, did i say that? i meant butter with mashed potatoes. and i’ll assume marshmallows and pumpkin pie were also parts of the equation. yadda yadda yadda.
now in keeping with tradition… we’re on to waffles. again.
you are probably sitting there going “ugh. is she really going there again?” yes, i am. and let’s be honest… you are going to read it anyway, so stop complaining. i can also pretty much guarantee that at some point while reading this you are going to start nodding your head in agreement… i can’t wait for that part. okay, so here we go:
for all your thanksgiving woes. for the loss of delicious food, family, wine and turkey. for those dang sweet potato leftovers you just can’t seem to eat. insert waffles here.
the pairings are perfect… the combination of flavors and texture alluring. sweet potatoes make these waffles fluffy. molasses offers the perfect hint of spicy sweetness. and pomegranates add crunch and a dose of your antioxidants.
sweet potato molasses pomegranate waffles
1 cup white whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup leftover sweet potato casserole
1 large egg
3/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon molasses
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
waffle iron
Combine flour, baking powder, salt, brown sugar and spices together in a medium bowl. Whisk and set aside.
Place sweet potato casserole in another large bowl. Add egg and beat lightly with a whisk. Stir in milk, then molasses. Slowly add flour mixture to the bowl with the wet ingredients. Stir together until all is combined. Lastly, add the pomegranate seeds and vanilla. Stir once more.
Preheat waffle iron and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour waffle batter onto hot waffle iron and cook until golden brown. Serve warm with butter and warm syrup.
Tagged: breakfast, brunch, food, healthy, low fat, milk, sweet, sweet potato, vegetarian, whole wheat