what’s happening.
1. according to a recent psych study, meaningless distractions can actually boost creativity. what’s even crazier… wasting time with youtube videos of cats or hardcore parkore activities increases productivity… to a limit.
2. whether we like it or not, increasing inequality and growing democratic peace are compatible. what’s even crazier… conservationism is more often than not the ideology of those left behind economically.
3. apparently the afghan president supports a deal that would allow american troops to stay in the country after the time they’re suppose to go home. he also says he doesn’t “trust them [americans] and they don’t trust me.” okay then. he also wants a hand-written apology from president obama. okaaaaay then.
4. lastly, today the entire country is remembering JFK. he was a man of many accomplishments: youthful vigor, moon landings, and the cuban missile crisis. i do want to take a moment to appreciate the life of a man who represented his country and who’s life was taken forcefully. no one’s life should be at the hands of another. yet he was also a president who changed the image of the presidency as america’s first executive superstar. as someone who studied political science as an undergrad, i would claim that this marked a significant – and in my opinion, somewhat negative – change in the history of the presidency.
Tagged: blogging, life, news, ramblings