Twenty two years? Really? No freaking way.
A few things I assumed I would have by 22:
1. solid career – nope.
2. boyfriend – nope.
3. money – nope.
4. college degree – yup.
A few things I had no clue I would have by 22:
1. a blog.
2. a photography blog.
3. a massive coffee mug collection.
4. a meatless diet.
5. a fancy yoga mat.
Things that make me the happiest:
1. family and friends.
2. food.
3. dogs.
4. ice cream in the freezer.
5. sunday waffles.
6. turquoise kitchen gadgets.
7. clean dishes.
8. unlimited yoga.
9. weekends.
10. new running shoes.
What I wanted to be when I grew up:
1. soccer player
2. storm chaser
3. secret agent.
What I want to be now:
still in process.
One thing I’ve learned:
Plans change. Frequently. Too much, actually. So I just don’t make plans anymore.
Thoughts for the future:
1. roll with it.
2. meaning is found everywhere.
3. love more.
4. help more.
5. play more.
6. chill.
7. eat more chocolate.
Thanks for celebrating with me. I appreciate all of you.
Tagged: blogging, life, lifestyle, love, photography, ramblings